My First Post Using Github Pages
The Flatiron School
Day 1
I just finished day one at The Flatiron School.
It’s been almost 5 months since I started to first seriously consider changing career paths. It’s been almost 3 months since I got accepted to the school I wanted to learn at. It’s been a month since I’ve moved to New York and a week since I’ve finished my pre-work. All the while the anticipation to stark working as been building.
The first day has been excellent. We started off by doing collaborative work on a web page using git hub to help us manage all the simultaneous version. After a couple of lectures and some team building I started building this blog using Octopress and Jekyll. Not entirely sure how to use this all yet, but I suppose that’s the point, I’ll be learning as I go.
def new_method
puts "Something"
I am using Jekyll and github pages so taht I will easily be able to insert code snippets as seen above.